Team Coaching


For teams to achieve better results many times it is necessary for them to learn how to improve synergies among members and between different teams.

The questions below act as triggers to ponder about what the needs of the teams are, with the aim of making the changes they deem relevant to meet organizational goals.

Starting with an assessment based on specific needs, we help co-design a customized program with the aim of building a high-performance team.

Work schemes vary according to the team’s needs.

  • What’s the shared vision of this team?

  • What are you doing to be who you are?

  • What’s the relationship like with the leader?

  • What do you want to achieve?

  • What’s stopping you from reaching your goals?

  • What type of team are you?


Sometimes we need to do things with other people without being part of a team; that is to say, we are part of a group of people with a common goal, which may have been internally chosen or externally imposed.

For example: resolve an inheritance dispute, make community meetings more effective, improve board meetings, start a business.

In those cases, I help you become a team, with the questions and strategies needed so that you can reach your goals, specially focusing on leadership, communication, and effectiveness.

I help you set forth a common vision as well as co-design a team management strategy.

Work schemes vary according to the team’s needs.

  • What defines you?

  • What do each of you contribute to make this team what it is?

  • What is this team for?

  • What do you need to become a team?

  • What’s your goal?

Certified in

Ontological Coaching

AACOP Coach Ontológico Profesional
FICOP Coach Ontológico Profesional
